Welcome to Penguicast, July 2007, episode 8 of the podcast of Penguicon, an open source software and science fiction convention. Presenting part one of two of "Routers and OpenWRT" by John Marrett. This presentation took place 7:30 to 8:30 PM on Friday, April 20 of Penguicon 2007.
Proud parent of a home router and ready to fly fast and loose in the face of warranties? Come get introduced to the wide and wonderful world of open source routers. We'll cover hardware and software hacks, and with some luck, a virgin router will be sacrificed unto the dark powers of open source. Bring the kids!
Our next episode will present the conclusion. Thanks to the Precursors Project for the use of their music, which can be found at medievalfuture.com/precursors. Penguicast is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 license. This means copy it and give it to all your friends as long as you give credit and don't sell it or change it. Please visit the Penguicon website at penguicon.org. Send email or audio files of your feedback to info@penguicon.org. See you next time!